Usnea extraction tinture

Usnea is not a plant, but is actually a lichen, which is a combination of algae and fungi functioning as a single organism. This lichen grows on old trees in cool, damp forests, most commonly in the Pacific Northwest which provides most of the nation’s supply. Usnea is abundant throughout most parts of the Northwest. The various species of usnea are hard to distinguish but have equivalent uses.

Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for more than 2,000 years, usnea has an additional long history of use in western botanical medicine. Considered energetically cooling and drying, usnea was used in traditional folk herbalism for its wellness-supporting qualities. With its special affinity for the respiratory and urinary systems usnea can be used topically, steeped as tea, or extracted.

Our usnea tincture is made with dried lichen and organic alcohol at our extraction facility. This revered extract has an astringent, bitter, and sweet flavors. It can be taken in water or juice or added to herbal teas such as echinacea & elder tea or dawn chorus tea. Usnea extract blends well with others including echinacea root, elder berry, or reishi extracts. Excellent use when cleansing and detoxification.  Only the freshest, locallly harvested Usnea from Psilolabs private farm is used. Only all 100% organic ingredients used in our extraction. Excellent immunomodulator, anti microbial, annd anti viral properties.  Tinture contains alcohol.

Organic alcohol, water, and dried usnea lichen.

Supplied in new UV blocking amber or blue glass dropper bottles. 4 oz size only. Bulk extracted concentrate available upon request.

Fresh, all natural Usnea. Harvested daily.
  • Usnea Extract 4 oz dropper bottle: $25.00
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